The Good Neighbors

The Good Neighbors

If you know us, you know we have really BAD neighbors. But it's just one family directly across from us. (More on them later). They are so awful that sometimes we lose sight of the GOOD ones. So, I just wanted to take a moment to recognize the really good ones. They are the reason we love our street. We can't let the bad ones ruin that, as much as they might try.


He's the kind of guy you need on your street. Just a really good dude. Keeps an eye out for us. Helps me with construction projects. Drives my son around in the dump truck. Not to mention he's done some really great concrete work at the house. (Driveway, sidewalk, pizza oven base).


She's a partner in safety by keeping an eye on the family/dogs across the street. And she is so nice watering our plants when we are in Europe. Not easy when it is 100F here.

Lisa picking up mushrooms

The Gibsons

They are a really great family to have next door.

My Facebook post from Europe

We have the best neighbors. I was scratching my head wondering why the grass didn't seem to grow at all. I know it's hot in STL but still. I kept peeking at the grass every few days via security footage but somehow missed this guy taking care of it. Thanks, John! This is the first year we don't have lawn service while on vacation and I hadn't actually figured out a plan yet.
May be an image of 1 person, frisbee and grass
First cut
Second cut! And this time he even did the back yard (A pain in the butt)
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This is 2 years ago. Welcome home! (Posted with permission)

Thanks for being great neighbors. Next year I should get a better plan in place for cutting the grass.

Thanks for reading. Be good to each other!